Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pretend Writing

Play to Learn Preschool


  1. Thank you for sharing this! Pretend writing is very important. The print out is very helpful and something I can use in my teaching and training.


  2. Great post! Creating environments that encourage prewriting are so important in preschool. It's always lovely watching children's writing transition during this time - such a busy time! Thanks for sharing your post over on our FB page :)

  3. Excellent post. Writing is the best medium for self expression and learning. Writing must begin at an early stage. Incorporating writing in preschools and daycare centers as a specialized subject is very important in literacy development.

  4. It is true that writing is the best medium for self expression. But it is hard to teach writing to the toddlers. But some fin activities can help and encourage them learning such hard things. Please take a look at for 1st to 8th grade teaching ideas.
