Hello friends! It's Cara Taylor from Creative Playground and I'm so happy to share with you today!
The Winter holidays are a special time for us to get together with our families and reflect on the special things in our lives. For most educators, this transfers into our classrooms as all those little faces have a special place in our hearts!
Here are a couple of peaceful projects you can do in your classroom this Winter to help celebrate your school family in a positive light!
This first project is one of my favorite to do with my kiddos each year; it really hits home the importance of diversity and how our differences, when put together, make one beautiful human race!
To make this project, students will need to have three different colors for the "flower". These can be skin colors like shown in the picture, or you can also use rainbow colors to show the same concept. But I like the skin colors the best!
Have students trace their hands on the paper (one hand on each color). Then they'll need to arrange and glue them together into the flower shape.
Next, on the green paper, cut a stem and leaves. Glue the leaves to the stem. Then glue the flower to the stem.
Finally, glue the entire craft onto a sheet of construction paper. I personally like to use purple with the students as that is a color that represents peace! This project can be used anytime of the year, especially for those times when you need more "peace" in your classroom.
This second project is so cute and easy too! You'll need three coffee filters per student and a white paper dove. The dove needs to have a slit cut into the middle.
Gather the filters together and pull them through the slit. Fan them out for the wings of the bird. You can attach a string to the top of the dove if you'd like to hang it from your ceiling. This makes for a real special project that I like to do during Black History Month.
As a gift to all of my Primary Pack friends, I'm giving you the templates and directions for the Peace Dove project above! Just click the picture to download the project materials. I hope you enjoy it!
Both of these projects can be found in my newest product, Let's Celebrate Black History! It's a growing bundle of craftivities, that will include more than 24 projects to do for Black History Month! Currently there are 8 projects in the product, but will be full of all the projects by February.
There is also a reflection journal included in the product that your students can complete each time they do a project. It has questions for them to answer to think about the meaning of the project and any connections they can make to a Black History Great. For example, the Peace Dove project is one I do to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. The craftivity bundle can be found here in my TpT Store if you'd like to check it out!
Merry Holidays to You Friends and Until Next Time,
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Belgium has a corporate tax rate of 33.99%. Companies that operate under VAT have to pay tax on purchases at 21%. Certain services, like those related to food, water, pharmaceuticals, domestic transport, printed books, periodicals, and others, benefit from a 12% VAT rate. http://www.confiduss.com/en/jurisdictions/belgium/business/company-formation/