Thursday, January 29, 2015

How Do You Manage Keeping Track of your Students' Schedules and Pull Outs?

Hi friends, it's Kristen popping over from Easy Teaching Tools.  I wanted to share an organization trick that has saved me this trimester.  I don't know about you, but my school has a ton of pull outs and push in programs.  I feel very fortunate that our school offers so many different learning opportunities, but it can make for a scheduling nightmare!
I've got friends attending speech, reading intervention, RSP, ELD, and more {all day-every day}!  Leaving a post it note on my kiddos' desk wasn't doing the trick because those friends needed reminders.  With the momentum of a great  lesson going, I'd forget to send my scholars until the dreaded phone call came. "Can you please send so and so to so and 5 minutes ago?"

I needed a better system, STAT!  I attended a great PD over the summer by Rick Morris and he suggested using your computer to set different alarms.  Instead, I decided to use my phone.  Wow, that was just too easy!

 To get some buy in, have your friend choose their ringtone.  That way, if you have several ringtones going off throughout the day, they'll be able to pick theirs out.  Super easy and no distractions.  As soon as my friends hear their ringtone, they bring me my phone and walk to their pull out.  This has seriously saved me this year, as you can see by my pull out schedule below!
I also needed a visual plan to keep posted in my room, mostly for the days when I have a sub.  Since our schedules change every few weeks, I laminated this template and just fill it in with an overhead marker for easy erasing, if necessary.  I add the schedules for my friends who have activities before school, during the day, and after school!
Grab a free copy of this schedule to use in your class tomorrow!


  1. Genius!! Something so simple! Thanks so much for sharing!
    Mrs. Masters’ Kinder Love

  2. I know a few teachers that set alarms for their pull-out groups - I'll be sharing the special ringtone tip! That's great!

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