Wednesday, July 29, 2015

{Love} Back To School Giveaway!

Nerves, excitement, and worry fill my stomach with butterflies. I can smell the sweet scent of fresh crayons and Sharpie markers filling a home sweet home aroma throughout my classroom. Bright, vibrant colors cover my once bare walls. 

There's only one thing that that must mean. Back to school season is upon us. For me, my firsties will arrive bright and early August 13th with the brightest, cheeriest smiles one teacher ever did see. The hustling and bustling of papers will begin. Shoe tying will become an Olympic sport. I will again say "see ya later" to my personal space and wait for it's return in June. I wouldn't have it any other way and I know you wouldn't either. 

You see, all of us at The Primary Pack have a lot of love for teachers across the globe. We know how much money you've spent this summer on new dry erase markers, a classroom rug, and those cute stools from IKEA. We know what you've done this summer because we are right there with you. To celebrate our love for you, we wanted to shower you with some love. Here's your chance to win a Teachers Pay Teachers gift certificate right before the big sale on Monday! Eek!

Here's what we are giving away:

one $50 gift certificate
two $25 gift certificates
Head to our Rafflecopter down below for your chance to enter to win! Good luck!! And make sure to check out the stores below to see what's on sale!